1. Introduction. These E-Signature Terms of Service (the “E-Signature Terms”) constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Echo in connection with your use of our Services and supplement and modify our Terms. We provide our Services in a variety of ways, including electronically through the Internet, email, text-messaging, and/or software applications. When we’re providing you with our Services, we retain the right to provide you with certain Records (as defined below) in electronic form and to obtain your electronic signature as necessary for those Records. While you are welcome to not agree with these E-Signature Terms or withdraw your consent in the future, you acknowledge that we retain the right to restrict or terminate your access to your account if you withdraw your consent to receive electronic Records. Any undefined terms we use in these E-Signature Terms have the meanings given to such terms in our General Terms of Service or, as applicable, any of our other Terms as defined in the General Terms of Service. We recommend that you print a copy of these E-Signature Terms for future reference.

  2. Consent to Receiving Electronic Records. You specifically agree to receive and/or obtain “Records” in electronic form from Echo. For the purposes of these E-Signature Terms, the term “Records” shall include without limitation, any and all current and future notices and/or disclosures that various federal and/or state laws or regulations require that we provide to you, as well as such other documents, statements, data, records and any other communications regarding your relationship to Echo or your use of the Services. You acknowledge and agree that, other than as required under applicable law, we retain the sole right to decide which Records to provide electronically and when to request your electronic signature for those Records. In certain jurisdictions, you may be entitled by law to receive certain information “in writing” (or a similar legal standard) when you use our Services. You agree to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law that Records provided to you in electronic form constitute reasonable and proper notice, for the purpose of any and all laws, rules, and regulations, and agree that such electronic form fully satisfies any requirement that such communications be provided to you “in writing” or in a form that you may keep.

  3. Scope of Consent. By accepting these E-Signature Terms, you acknowledge that, for your records, you are able to retain electronic Records by printing and/or downloading and saving this Agreement and any other Records that you have agreed to using your E-Signature. You also agree to receive, view, and electronically sign the Records we display on any of our Services. You agree that the electronic Records we send to your designated email address or other contact information you have provided for the receipt of electronic communications may include Records displayed in the email message, attached to it, or displayed when you selected links included in the message. When a Record is electronically displayed on your computer or your mobile or handheld device, you also agree that your electronic signature for the Record may include clicking displayed buttons, selecting displayed boxes, typing your name in a designated field or otherwise selecting an electronic facsimile signature for the field, sending an email reply to a message transmitted to your designated contact address, or taking other affirmative actions described when you view an electronic Record. Your consent for our use of electronic Records and signatures will be effective unless you withdraw it accordance with these E-Signature Terms.

  4. Revoking Consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent to provided pursuant to these E-Signature Terms at any time. However, you acknowledge that Echo also reserves the right to restrict or terminate your access to your account if you withdraw your consent to receive electronic Records. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us at support@echo.xyz.

  5. Requesting Paper Versions of Records. You may request a paper version of a Record. However, you acknowledge that Echo reserves the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the production and mailing of paper versions of Records. To request a paper copy of a Record, please contact us at support@echo.xyz.

  6. Current Contact Information Required. You are responsible for providing and agree to provide current valid contact information that is appropriate for receiving electronic Records from Echo in connection with your use of our Services. You also agree to keep Echo informed of any changes in this contact information as necessary for us to continue providing you electronic Records. To the extent that you do not receive an electronic Record due to a failure by you to provide correct or updated contract information, or in connection with some other failure to receive Records not caused by Echo, you agree that we will be deemed to have provided the Record to you. You may update your contact information by logging into your account on the Site. Echo may notify you at your current contact information in your online account when a Record in electronic form or updated agreement pertaining to your account is available.

  7. Hardware and Software Requirements to Receive Electronic Records. In order to receive electronic Records, you will be required to maintain certain minimum hardware and software requirements that enable you to access these Records. At minimum, you must have installed on your computer or mobile device a functioning modern web browser that was released in the past three years or is otherwise being actively supported by its developer operating on an up-to-date operating system. You agree that you are responsible for the installation, maintenance, and operation of your computer, browser and software. You also agree that Echo is not responsible for your inability to access electronic Records due to errors or failures from any malfunction of your computer, browser or software, including any computer viruses or related problems.